Discover How to Optimize Remote Working

Make mobility your winning formula with Kyocera’s definitive guide for businesses and employees.

A new way of working opens the door for opportunities, but also challenges. Do you have all the tools in place to get remote working right?

Remote working has quickly become a fundamental part of companies across all industries, and the ability to optimize this new approach to working will determine the winners and losers of the digital age.

For those looking to make the most of remote working, it can no longer be viewed as a quick fix to an unforeseen problem or event. Successful companies will be those who integrate working from home into the very fabric of their organization. It will be the foundation upon which sustainable success will be built.

Employees are seeking greater freedom when it comes to work and, given the rise of smart technologies, it has never been easier to work and collaborate from various locations. Done right, remote working can lead to increased productivity and employee morale. The transition will pose challenges for all companies and it will prove to be the ultimate acid test with regards to their security infrastructure.

Please contact us for your document solutions or if you have any questions:

ECO footPRINT Toner Recycling Program

Sign up today to recycle your used toner containers with Copystar

our customers are looking for ways to lower their impact on the environment, to work cleaner, smarter, and more responsibly.

Copystar’s ECO footPRINT Toner Recycling Program offers a way to do just that, providing a convenient disposal solution for environmentally conscious customers who want to recycle their empty and waste Copystar toner containers but cannot do so within their local community.

Program Highlights

  • Web Portal: Log into the ECO footPRINT portal with your ECO footPRINT Customer ID to order box kits, check order status and history, and view reporting.
  • Pre-Labeled Box Kits: Each box kit contains 3 boxes already affixed with a pre-paid UPS label and the option to add your customer’s name for tracking.
  • Easy to Use: Customers simply fill the box with Copystar toner containers, seal it, and send it via UPS.
  • Online Reporting: Using the optional field to add your customers’ names on the labels, you will be able to see how much your individual customers have recycled and their impact on the environment.
  • All at No Cost to You or Your Customers! Copystar covers all of the recycling and shipping costs under this new program. It’s our way of saying thank you for helping us uphold our commitment to working in harmony with our environment.

Where it all Goes

It might be easier to say where it doesn’t go…to the landfill. That’s right. 100% of every Copystar toner container recycled through the program is transformed into useful objects that serve a necessary function. Our partners at the Close the Loop recycling facility are able to repurpose the materials into items like pens, park benches, and even asphalt!

AccuSender ShareBase

Kyocera’s AccuSender ShareBase is a tool that empowers employees by automating document sharing processes. Designed as a private cloud-based enterprise file synchronization and share (EFSS) solution, AccuSender ShareBase works by enabling you to access your ShareBase by Hyland account from a Kyocera multifunctional printer (MFP). 

This seamless integration with ShareBase enhances organizational efficiency and increases productivity on every level by transforming the MFP into a convenient scan hub. With information instantly accessible employees and stake-holders can make better-informed decisions.

From the MFP color touch screen, authorized users scan hardcopy documents and route them to a designated folder location and email recipient(s). Email addresses are selected from your corporate or MFP address book or entered manually. Email recipients receive a link for secure file download.

Garage Sale November 2nd 2019 9am- 2pm

Brothers II Business Machines will be hosting a garage sale on November 2nd, 9am to 2pm. We are selling commercial grade copiers/printers. Good working condition. Older models. Other business machines are available. Cash and Carry $150, Bring a truck. 631-981-2900 ask for David.



Don’t get nervous when you see a 5% warning message to replace your toner. This is a simple reminder to make sure you have enough on hand to replace when it gets down to 0% .

Please use our genuine toner containers, which have passed rigorous quality control testing. We recommend the use of Copystar and Kyocera brand supplies.
The use of non-genuine toner containers may cause failure. They aren’t covered under any warranty and service contracts you may have on your machine. So, it can be more costly to your business in the long run!


New Application Subsections on Our Website!

As the number of software solution options increase, finding an option that works on your machine can be a time consuming task. To answer this concern, we have added a new subsection to each machine listing called “Business Applications,” which will list the software that is available for that machine.

In addition, we’ve created another short cut if you want more information on a piece of software. Just click on the Business Application name and a new page will open up with full details on the software. When you’re done, just close the page and your original page will still be on the screen so you can continue where you started.

Hope you enjoy this new option.

If you have any suggestions on how to make it easier for you find what you need, just email us at and we’ll do our best to make it happen.

Here’s our website. Take a look at our new additions:

business applications

AirPrint is Apple’s IOS solution for printing wireless from your mobile device…and it’s free!

Kyocera and Copystar continue to expand their software solutions and application options on a regular basis. Reviewing them all can be a daunting task. For that reason, Brothers II has begun to create an easier way for you to review and find the application that will benefit you the most.
On our web page (under software, copiers,) you will find many of the applications available to you to make your life a lot easier and commercially more productive. Reviewing all these apps is a breeze; simply choose a category and mouse over the application icon and a brief description of the benefits appears. Need more detail? Just click on the icon and you will be directed to that application’s page. There you will find a very easy format of what the application is, it’s benefits, a brochure and how you can get it.
AirPrint is Apple’s IOS solution for printing wireless from your mobile device…and it’s free. This is one of the many apps that can help you help your customers better. Thanks for the visit and here is a picture of what the application detail page looks like:


Kyocera’s Dealer Conference Focuses on Success

Kyocera’s Dealer Conference Focuses on Success

by Scott Cullen / iTchat

One couldn’t have selected a more fitting theme for this year’s Kyocera dealer conference than “Focus on Success,” especially since the company is coming off a strong year, enjoying a compound annual growth rate in the Americas of 10.2 percent for fiscal year 2012. Those are numbers some of its competitors would die for.